Lord I come to you this day as your most humble servant,
A servant you have blessed with great talent and challenged with great responsibility.
A responsibility to my family, my community and my fellow man.
Responsibility to serve and inspire, to be more than an average man.
I do not ask for your to lift this responsibility from my shoulders, instead I ask for;
Wisdom: to know how to use my talents and of those around me to their fullest potential, wisdom enough to grow through each day.
Strength: to overcome all challenges set before me even those which seem impossible, for nothing is impossible under your guidance O Lord.
Patience: enough to endure and forgive even those things I see as injustice because I am not judge, only a humble servant following the path you have set for me.
I ask then that you continue to shine your light and your love on me as you have done even at those times when I shunned it.
Guide me always as I continue to be of One Mind pursuing One Goal under you my One God.
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